Ohio Wildlands
The Great Ohio Outback Wilderness
Big Outdoors & Wide Open Spaces
Protect Preserve & Promote
The Great Ohio Outback Wilderness
Big Outdoors & Wide Open Spaces
Protect Preserve & Promote
Ohio Wildlands
Big Outdoors & Wide Open Spaces
Protect Preserve & Promote
Big Outdoors & Wide Open Spaces
Protect Preserve & Promote
Thank you for visiting our site. The purpose of this website is to publish, promote and help develop the many diverse outdoor & recreational opportunities available in Ohio. We hope to do so in a unique and creative way to get more people interested and involved in discovering and enjoying all that the great State of Ohio has to offer. As a non-profit organization we also provide developmental, marketing and outreach ideas and information to outdoor organizations such as park districts, wildlife groups, forest associations, CVB’s, tourism bureaus and other outdoors related and non-profit organizations.
We are a brand new organization and a groundbreaking concept that’s never really be attempted in the outdoors, parks, recreation, conservation and tourism related arenas. We are working diligently to unveil our sweeping and profoundly unique ideas and concepts to the site as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and please enjoy the journey with us as we forge ahead into new frontiers of the great outdoors.
Again, thank you for visiting our site.
Ron Brohm, Superintendent, Executive Director, Editor & Publisher of the Great Ohio Outback Wilderness Regional Authority
It’s new. It’s different! It’s groundbreaking and it’s time to shake things up a little. Ohio’s Great Outdoors is getting a re-boot and a big boost of energy with lots of new ideas. Beginning now let’s start looking at Ohio’s Great Outdoors with a fresh new sense of discovery and wonder. It’s a vast Wilderness with Big Outdoors with Wide Opens Spaces and it’s really, really Wild! So, let’s go discover it all in a brand new way. Let’s get out and explore the new Great Ohio Outback Wilderness and its Wild Regions!!
Region 1- The Great Black Swamp
Region2 - The Great Miami Valley River Belt Badlands
Region 3 -The Great Ohio River Valley Wilderness
Region 4- The Erie Shores & Marshlands
Region 5- The Great North Coast
Region 6- The Great Lakes & Islands
Region 7-The Cuyahoga Valley Wilderness
Region 8- The Great Flats & Darby Plains
Region 9- The Vast Buggy Plains
Region 10- The Great Mounds & Shawnee Badlands
Region 11- The Wayne Wilderness
Region 12-The Great Hills & Lakes Backcountry
Region 13.- The Great Hocking Wilderness
Region 14- The Great Appalachian Plateau Foothills
Region 15- The Great Wilds
Region 16-The Great Allegheny Plateau
Region 17- The Great Western Reserve
The Great Ohio Outback Wilderness Regional Authority-Wild Regions is the brainchild of outdoors Writer and adventurer Ron Brohm. Yes, believe it or not , Ohio now does has an Outback! At least in writer Ron Brohm’s world it does.
Well, in actual reality, Ohio has always had an outback , because the outback is not just a remote place in Australia as many believe. An outback can be in many places and locations. According to dictionary.com , the outback is defined as; the back country or remote settlements; the bush (usually preceded by the ), (sometimes initial capitals letter ).
So let’s exam this. Ohio has miles and miles of back country and acres and acres of bush. Remote settlements exist all over the state such as small villages, camps, lodges and sparsely inhabited wilderness areas. So, yes, technically speaking and by the letter of the definition we have an Outback.
We have many outbacks, actually, all thoughout the state, regionally speaking. But, speaking metaphorically and by the spirit of the definition we can also clearly declare we have an Outback in Ohio. In fact we have many. We have 17 Outback’s to be exact as defined by outdoors Writer and Superintendent Ron Brohm; the Magnificent 17 Wild Regions as he likes to call them.
After writing hundreds of Newspaper stories and columns over the years about Ohio’s Great Outdoors he realized and experienced for himself that Ohio has many different diverse outdoor areas. After studying this for a while he decided to break the state up into regions that more reflected the terrain and outdoor pursuits in each of those areas. He ended up with 17 diverse regions and decided to package all of them under a whole new exciting umbrella called the Great Ohio Outback Wilderness Wild Regions.
Let’s face it, the outback is also, a state of mind, it an outdoor wilderness adventurous place that yurns to explored with a sense of wonder and discovery. The outback creates a sense of the unknown for an explorer, or a treasure hunter or swashbuckler searching for nature’s most remote unique places and gems. It is a place you want to explore and discover.
We are here to promote, monitor, market, help and feature journalistically, Ohio’s Great Outdoors. To create exciting and revealing content and ideas, and to publish them for the good of all Ohio citizens, outdoor parks, wilderness organizations and tourist.
The Great Ohio Outback Wilderness Regional Authority
Copyright © 2019 TheGreatOhioOutbackWilderness.org
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